TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel
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Author:  LinnArts [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 08:28 ]
Post subject:  TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel

Japp då har vi lagt till TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel lagret och håller på att utvärdera detta.
Välkommen till en ny värld/framtid med Karousel här monterat till ett Tangerine Audio Plateau Subchassie.

Faboulus !


Karousel-Tranquility.jpg [ 395.51 KiB | Viewed 2277 times ]

Author:  Erik [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 06:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel

Tranquility borde väl ta fram mer detaljer på bekostnad av musik och känsla precis som den gjorde när jag hörde den på ett Cirkuslager?
Ingen värld jag välkomnar någon till.

Author:  M4gnetic [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 20:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel

Här är ett i lägg från gaml Linn-forumet där en Linn-handlare
Lät folk blind-testa Tranquility mot non-T.

”In every demonstration the listener preferred the LP12 without the Tranquility. There were no exceptions.”

Det finns en del andra redovisningar i denna tråd också:

”Here is one of the later posts from the linn forum about Tiger Paw Tranquility:

RE: Tiger Paw Tranquility
(2017-03-07 13:26)Ian Wilkinson Wrote:
(2017-03-07 12:28)What You See and Hear Wrote:

We have an interesting test here and have set this up for a couple of our own clients to assess what the Tranquility is doing.

Two LP12's which are of medium specification on identical Isoblue stands.

Both Have:

Unworn Cirkus Bearings,(VERY important)
Shared Lingo 3
Consecutive S/No Akito 3B tone-arms
Adikt cartridge with shared stylus.
Shared Uphorik phono-stage.
Klimax Exakt DSM
Klimax Exakt 350.

The two decks are set up optimally and and sound near as dammit the same. They can be auditioned on their own before the Tranquility is fitted to one or if wished we can already have it fitted on one. The interesting thing is not knowing which one has the Tranquility and this allows the true merit to be clearly heard without any prior expectations. We can for fun give the listener a sealed envelope with the answer as to which it is fitted to before the demonstration commences.

We are happy to demonstrate this to anyone who is interested as currently there appear to be few stockists.

I get on well with Roger and he told me about this development some months ago. I heard a prototype early on his own deck it was clear that, although the deck was very heavily modified from a standard LP12 he appeared to be onto something interesting.

I will post this with more information on our website in due course.


Interesting blind test.

There must be many of us, myself included, waiting results.

Perhaps spread over a number of people rather than a couple if possible

Keep us posted!



A month has passed and I can report results.

We had little interest and only one person actually phoned to hear the comparison. The massive thread here does not necessarily translate to the real world outside of the forum and so we gave the demonstration to visitors here over the period who came to us for other reasons, for example clients bringing LP12's for servicing and upgrades who were unaware of the Tranquility. Potential customers looking for a secondhand LP12. A client with a Linn/Naim system bringing his girlfriend over to buy a Naim Muso. Someone thinking of upgrading from Lejonklou phono-stage to a Uphorik.Our MD Steve and a couple of regular and local LP12 clients asked to bring their own music. Even someone working upstairs who heard me playing some Pefab Sprout, mentiong it when we were in our shared corridoor. Over the period where time was available about 15 people, some told and some not told that one deck was modified with an aftermarket product.

The Tranquility was over the period swopped between the two decks mentioned in my post but for 10 days we had two full Klimax LP12's with two Klimax Radikals instead. The system changed to Passive Akubariks for a time. The demonstrations were not done using the A/B method as this favours B and can be used as a sales technique. Instead a deck is chosen by the listener as a start point and then played A/A/B or B/B/A. Roger from TPA has a habit of sitting up and verbally interacting when playing a prototype on one deck previously on an A/B B/A basis but for our demonstrations I remained silent throughout maintaining the same body language. The music varied from part of my own large collection covering House/Jazz/Classical/Rock/Folk and the listener was also asked to choose a record and then arbritrarily name which track, ie side two track 3. I also bought some new additions from the Charity shop the last being a Phillips St-Martin-in-the-Fields Mozart Horn Concertos.

In every demonstration the listener preferred the LP12 without the Tranquility. There were no exceptions.

One client brought his LP12 to change from a Dynavector DV20XL to a Krystal. A friend of both Paul Stephenson and Charlie Brennan from Arcam he was recommended to me several years ago and having previously distributed Clearaudio turntables in the UK and being the manufacturer of a quality speaker system he now owns an LP12 of very high spec. He was very critical instantly disliking the Tranqility which was deck B on his demonstration, declaring that for him it didn't represent why he finally bought an LP12 after many years of owning other high end turntables.

When our MD Steve heard it we played a track from Joni Mitchell's "Shadows and Light" with the Klimax decks and Tranquility was deck B. He was much more musically involved with deck A. He then chose a UB40 album which owned previously and when "Red Red Wine" was played on Deck B Tranquility we were both impressed and he said that it sounded great. It Did. We then went back to deck A. Wow that's much better still being funkier, deeper and with better harmoised vocals which hit higher more correct pitch. Again without knowing which was which the deck without the Tranquility was preferred as it did for everyone else.

The very first person to hear the difference postulated that the Tranquility seems to have been designed for a "problem" that doesn't actually exist. It ticks boxes being a great idea well executed but there seems to be more happening here than the simple idea of a "quieter bearing allowing more music to be heard".

A dealer said on another forum that he hopes that some of the "stalwart" Linn dealers take an interest in this non-Linn product as "after all it's all about the music". In business though for some it might be more about the money. I only need recommend this to our database and get behind the Tranquility and sales of only a hundred would put forty thouand pounds into the till which would be very nice indeed. This demonstration is still available but many have bought into the Tranquility blind anyway and one eBay seller has sold six already so for some a fair demonstration isn't actually wanted. Taking a punt does no harm as it's not expensive but I do wonder how many will eventually be taken off and put back on eBay later if the results we have here are anything to go by.

Colin Macey. WYSAH Beaconsfield.

Author:  Erik [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 21:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: TP Tranquility på Linn Karousel

Jag har läst det där förr och det stämmer med min egen syn.
Det finns mycket pengar att göra på tredjepartsdelar till LP 12 och LinnArts är såklart en fortsättning på det.
Jag slår mig inte för bröstet och påstår att jag har hört mest i världen som LinnArts gör men av det jag hittills fått tillfället att prova är det endast tredjepartsplintar jag tycker förbättrar något. vissa av Chris Harbans plintar är bättre, vissa sämre men snyggare kanske.

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